Trails > Appalachian Trail > Bennington to Mancester ... > Green Mountain House

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Mar 11, 2017 by Frank P
  • I stayed a night in the Green Mountain House in July of 2016. Jeff, the owner and a hiker himself, is very welcoming and friendly. He picked me up at the shopping center nearby and brought me to the hostel. It is a beautiful, clean and well appointed house with a few other Long Trail and AT hikers. For me it was about the best rest break I got hiking the whole Long Trail. You can take a nice shower, do your laundry and cook any dinner you pick up in town. He provided the breakfast. If you can, I would plan my hike around spending a night there. The price was right too.
    It is located at: 2480 Richville Rd, Manchester Center, VT 05255, Phone: (802) 768-8088.
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