Trails > Appalachian Trail > Front Royal to Harpers ... > Blackburn Trail Center

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Jan 24, 2016 by virginia
  • early October the weather was crisp. I got to black burn. no one was at the main lodge. but the sign said if the cabins in the back were empty you could spend one night, use the shower, and any of fire wood already cut. so I did. rather I spent three nights I woke up the second morning with the flu. serious high fever flu. so I stayed sheltered and warm and sat on the cabin porch and healed. it was heaven. on the 3rd day 3 jewish gentle men joined me for an over night/ it was my first experience with sharing shelter on the AT. It was not the last. People later on the trail asked,"weren't you afraid. no seriously the people on the AT are beyond kind and gentle. the cabin was beautiful and jews from California, new York , and Israel. were the expression of what we are as good people in America. later on the trail I camped with couples and colleges students and 5 military men on a yearly reunion and the five grey beards and the last boy scout.. this cabin is just a place that heaven and healing met. go there seriously go there you may never want to go home black burn needs to be seen from the top of the mountain side to the trail to bear fence
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